Latest Blogs
Making a success of weight management: Fat busting tips for overweight pets!
Sadly, pet obesity is on the increase, becoming more common, and is causing many preventable issues for our much-loved cats and dogs.Pet obesity is a condition where excess body fat has reached the point at which good health is harder to maintain. After an online...
5 ways to keep your pets happy and safe this Christmas
Christmas is a wonderful time of year for many of us. The twinkling lights, festive food and children’s excited faces alone make it a special family time and as cherished members of that family, our pets need some attention around Christmas too. Be...
How ticks affect your pets and the best thing to do if you find one
What are ticks? Ticks are external parasites, and globally they rival only mosquitos as carriers of disease. Their natural habitat is thick grass – fields, meadows, farmland and woods are all favourite locations. Parasites live by feeding off a host, and as they...
14 Summer poisons and pet dangers every owner should know
Summer is nearly upon us, and whilst our thoughts often turn to holidays, days out and BBQ's the change in season can present a few hazards to our furry friends, so it's important to be vigilant. But... pet dangers are lurking everywhere... Our top 14 pet dangers to...
FREE Rabbit Health Checks During Rabbit Awareness Month!
During this month, you will have the opportunity to pop in with your rabbit for a free health check with the nurse! Our nurses will update you on everything you should know about rabbit health care. It is also useful to bring children along if they are looking after the rabbit too. The health check will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about health care.
Hot Weather: Tips on How to Help Your Pet When Wiltshire Gets Tropical!
Staying cool during hot weather... As the bank holiday weekend is going to be hot and sunny, we would like to share some tips on how to keep your pets cool and safe, so that you can both be comfortable and happy when the country finally gets tropical! Water! Always...
Enthusiastic Elston Vets clients win war of the works!
Elston Veterinary Clinic played and won the weekly War of the Works quiz on Spire FM Radio! Anticipating the fact that the quiz wasn’t just going to be about animal health care, we decided we needed some help… We were lucky enough to have a handful of Elston Vets clients and friends from Orcheston and Shrewton help us out on each of the quiz days.
10 reasons laser treatment is great for your pet’s health
There are so many good reasons why Elston Vets offer laser treatment in our practice. Laser therapy is still quite new to veterinary health care, (however, it has been around in human medicine for several years!), so you might know how it works for pets and how your...
Blue Cross ‘Paws for Tea’ Bake Sale 2016
Last Thursday we held our annual ‘Paws for Tea’ bake sale in aid of the Blue Cross. Luckily the sun was shining and we were pleased to have so many generous visitors. We had some beautiful and delicious cakes baked and donated by clients to help us raise as much money...
50% Off Dog Microchipping In March and April
Did you know that as of 6th April 2016, it is compulsory, by law, for ALL dogs to be microchipped? With this in mind Elston Vets are offering 50% OFF the cost of microchips during March and April. There are many benefits of microchipping your dog and other pets - not...